Category Archives: Devotion

Circle Prayer

I say a prayer

For the circles 

That surround me.

First circle,


May the Ancestors

Support me;

May the Spirits of Nature

Surround me;

May the Shining Ones 

Bless me;

This day and more.

Second circle,

My family and friends;

May the Well

Bring us insight;

May the Tree

Bring us continuance;

May the Fire

Transmute magic into our lives;

This day and more.

Third circle,

Is the world;

May the Sea,

Be our border,

Be our legacy,

Be our past;

May the Land

Be our home,

Be our provider,

Be our Mother;

May the Sky,

Be our hopes,

Be our dreams,

Be our future;

This day and more.

Jean (Drum) Pagano


Triple Call Blessing

This blessing is also called the Nine-Fold Blessing because it includes the three realms, the three Hallows, and the three Kindreds.

It can be used for any item, snd i feel that it works best if there is a well, a tree, and a fire (or representation thereof) nearby. As each blessing is called, hold the item over the appropriate symbol, and then rotate the item three times to the right over the well, tree, or fire.

Triple Call Blessing

The Nine-Fold Blessing

We call to the realms to bless this <item>

May the Land bless this <item>

May the Sea bless this <item>

May the Sky bless this <item>

We call to the hallows to bless this <item>:

May the Well bless this <item>

May the Tree bless this <item>

May the Fire bless this <item>

We call to the Kindreds to bless this <item>:

May the Ancestors bless this <item>

May the Nature Spirits bless this <item>

May the Shining Ones bless this <item>

May this Nine-Fold Blessing protect this <item> and the one who use it,


And always.


I recently wrote a prayer to help when I or others are in need of being industrious. I share it with you today. I hope you like it.


Let me move forward,

With industry,

No dream too large,

No task to daunting,

Let my dreams guide my work,

Let my work become my



Let me find my meaning,

In industry,

May that which I admire

Be that to which I aspire,

May the work that I do

Be the work that I cherish 

In industry.


Let me achieve my goal,

In industry,

May I find that position,

That suits my disposition,

May the things that I do,

Define my world,

Through and through,

In industry.


A Prayer to Sequana

This a prayer to Sequana, Gaulish Goddess of the River Seine.


Flow, like a river
Through our practice:
Constant, patient,
Sometimes rapid,
Often meandering.
You stand on the shore,
You are the river,
You are the water,
And yet you flow.
Your name is a prayer in itself
I say it now:
River goddess

Times of Uncertainty


Times of Uncertainty

We find ourselves today in times of uncertainty as the Covid-19 pandemic reaches out to touch all our lives. We call to the Kindreds to protect us in these times.

There are certain, practical things that we can do to protect ourselves: limit our exposure to others, washing our hands, being aware of the potential for contamination in the world around us. Practical hygiene will go a long way in protecting us in an immediate sense.

As people with relationships to the spirits and Kindreds, this is an excellent time to call to them daily to ask for their help and protection and to thank them for the blessings we already have. I truly believe that they listen and even an offering of “thank you” is an offering, nonetheless.

As a leader and as a priest, if I can be of any assistance, please feel free to reach out to myself or any of the Mother Grove and / or Clergy Council for assistance. If we cannot help you directly, we will find someone who can.


Rev. Jean (Drum) Pagano

Archdruid, ADF

In My Corner (Corner Prayer)

Green Man Altar

In my corner of the room,

I call to my household Gods,

To give them a home,

With offerings of water,

And shelter,

And honour.

Cernunnos Altar

In my corner of this shrine,

I call to the Ancestors,

To give them a home,

With offerings of memory,

And recollection,

And whiskey,

For their thirst.


In my corner of this yard,

I call to the Earth Mother,

To give her a place to rest,

With offerings of peace,

Amidst the flowers,

Amidst the plants,

Amidst the life in slow-motion.

Ara Trees One

In my corner of this forest,

I call to the spirits of Nature,

To be part of the flow,

With offerings of observation,

The stream babbles its name,

The leaves rustle their story,

The wind sings to the land.


In my corner of the sky,

I call to the many Gods,

Shining down upon me with their rays,

With offerings of prayers and palms to the sky,

I lift this gifts up to you,

I capture the bounty down-pouring,

I gather this moment,

In my corner of time.